November 2nd, 2008
It’s hard to watch someone battle an addiction. We often find ourselves being consumed with worry, anger, and anxiety. We try to find ways to make them stop. Some folks hide alcohol. Others make threats like, “If you don’t stop, I’m leaving.”
Often times, the belief is that the person with the addiction’s life is hell. This can be true. But it is also true that addictions impact the sober friends and loved ones too. The worry, anger, fear, and helplessness can get to a person.
However, relief is available. Therapy and counseling can help. A place to speak openly and safely about your fears, options, and feelings is important.
Al-Anon can help too. This 12-step program, modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous is a place where family and friends of alcoholics can find relief, healing and hope. You can learn more at
Life can be hard when you love an addict. But her or his addiction doesn’t need to control you too.