Posts Tagged ‘racism’

The Power of Speaking Up

January 8th, 2015

expressing angerWhat do you do when you hear racist, transphobic, sexist or otherwise offensive comments? What does it feel like when you don’t speak up? Do you justify your actions and then feel uncomfortable with that justification? Do you fear coming off as rude or socially unacceptable.  Do you fear offending the person who has offended you…or making others uncomfortable.

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Racism and Self-Image

April 13th, 2011

What happens when you grow up in a society saying you’re less-than for being black?  Or that you must be meek if culturally competent therapistyour Asian?  Most likely, you reject these sterotypes and be yourself.  There are many prejudiced stereotypes you know aren’t true for you.  However, from what I know from my work with People of Color, these harmful messages can sometimes linger, distorting the way you think about yourself.

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Counseling Across the Color Line

October 20th, 2008

Understandably so, many People of Color are most comfortable seeing a therapist of their own race. This makes intuitive sense. However, African American folk seeing Caucasian therapists need assurance that their therapist is both culturally competent and anti-racist. Otherwise, therapy will be ineffective.

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