April 9th, 2014
Have you ever taken a yoga class? If so, then you are surely aware of one of the most basic poses – Child’s Pose. When taking this pose, you are folded over your knees, forehead of the ground and arms and hands either flat by your sides or stretched out in front of you. I understand it to be a resting pose – used when you need to take a break from the current flow of the class. You might be too tired, you might have noticed a pain somewhere in your body, you might simply not want to do the current pose that the rest of the class is doing. So you opt out and take Child’s Pose.
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Tags: Anxiety & Stress, healing, self care, therpay
Posted Under | Alcohol, Drugs, & Other Addictions, Depression, Anxiety & Stress, Grief & Loss, Therapy & Counseling | No Comments »