May 20th, 2010
Discussing topics of fetish, fantasy, BDSM and other “kinks” demands that your therapist is non-judgmental. So many times, folks have reported feeling judged or pathologized for their desires or fantasies, even when they find these desires to be joyful and fulfilling. A kink-friendly therapist doesn’t judge. A kink-friendly and aware therapist recognizes that there are many ways in which people express themselves, their identity, intimacy, and sexuality.
As a kink-aware and kink-friendly therapist, I don’t make an issue of your sexuality if it’s not an issue for you. If, for some reason, it is a concern, I will explore that with you too. I also provide relationship counseling, as you try to become more compatible in your desires and expressions.
Whether you see me or another therapist, you have a right to a kink-friendly & aware therapist. For more information on kink-aware therapists visit
If you prefer to work with a kink-aware therapist, call me at 202/460-6384 or email me at to set up an appointment.